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martes, 9 de junio de 2015

EXCLUSIVA: Agenda y Lista de Participantes del Bilderberg 2015

El grupo secreto conocido como Bilderberg acaban de publicar su lista de participantes, ya que se alistan para reunirse en Interalpen-Hotel Tirol en Austria para discutir las políticas mundiales, la despoblación y sus agendas secretas a puerta cerrada. No sólo eso, sino que también han lanzado su agenda oficial para el año. Aquí está el informe de última hora ... 

De acuerdo con el sitio web de Bilderberg aquí es la "oficial" lista dada a conocer de participantes (tenga en cuenta que no son todos los miembros de la lista sólo algunas): 

Chairman: Castries, Henri de Chairman and CEO, AXA Group FRA 

Achleitner, Paul M. Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG DEU

Agius, Marcus Non-Executive Chairman, PA Consulting Group GBR

Ahrenkiel, Thomas Director, Danish Intelligence Service (DDIS) DNK

Allen, John R. Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL, US Department of State USA

Altman, Roger C. Executive Chairman, Evercore USA

Applebaum, Anne Director of Transitions Forum, Legatum Institute POL

Apunen, Matti Director, Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA FIN

Baird, Zoë CEO and President, Markle Foundation USA

Balls, Edward M. Former Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer GBR

Balsemão, Francisco Pinto Chairman, Impresa SGPS PRT

Barroso, José M. Durão Former President of the European Commission PRT

Baverez, Nicolas Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP FRA

Benko, René Founder, SIGNA Holding GmbH AUT

Bernabè, Franco Chairman, FB Group SRL ITA

Beurden, Ben van CEO, Royal Dutch Shell plc NLD

Bigorgne, Laurent Director, Institut Montaigne FRA

Boone, Laurence Special Adviser on Financial and Economic Affairs to the President FRA

Botín, Ana P. Chairman, Banco Santander ESP

Brandtzæg, Svein Richard President and CEO, Norsk Hydro ASA NOR

Bronner, Oscar Publisher, Standard Verlagsgesellschaft AUT

Burns, William President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace USA

Calvar, Patrick Director General, DGSI FRA

Castries, Henri de Chairman, Bilderberg Meetings; Chairman and CEO, AXA Group FRA

Cebrián, Juan Luis Executive Chairman, Grupo PRISA ESP

Clark, W. Edmund Retired Executive, TD Bank Group CAN

Coeuré, Benoît Member of the Executive Board, European Central Bank INT

Coyne, Andrew Editor, Editorials and Comment, National Post CAN

Damberg, Mikael L. Minister for Enterprise and Innovation SWE

De Gucht, Karel Former EU Trade Commissioner, State Minister BEL

Dijsselbloem, Jeroen Minister of Finance NLD

Donilon, Thomas E. Former U.S. National Security Advisor; Partner and Vice Chair, O’Melveny & Myers LLP USA

Döpfner, Mathias CEO, Axel Springer SE DEU

Dowling, Ann President, Royal Academy of Engineering GBR

Dugan, Regina Vice President for Engineering, Advanced Technology and Projects, Google USA

Eilertsen, Trine Political Editor, Aftenposten NOR

Eldrup, Merete CEO, TV 2 Danmark A/S DNK

Elkann, John Chairman and CEO, EXOR; Chairman, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles ITA

Enders, Thomas CEO, Airbus Group DEU

Erdoes, Mary CEO, JP Morgan Asset Management USA

Fairhead, Rona Chairman, BBC Trust GBR

Federspiel, Ulrik Executive Vice President, Haldor Topsøe A/S DNK

Feldstein, Martin S. President Emeritus, NBER; Professor of Economics, Harvard University USA

Ferguson, Niall Professor of History, Harvard University, Gunzberg Center for European Studies USA

Fischer, Heinz Federal President AUT

Flint, Douglas J. Group Chairman, HSBC Holdings plc GBR

Franz, Christoph Chairman of the Board, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd CHE

Fresco, Louise O. President and Chairman Executive Board, Wageningen University and Research Centre NLD

Griffin, Kenneth Founder and CEO, Citadel Investment Group, LLC USA

Gruber, Lilli Executive Editor and Anchor “Otto e mezzo”, La7 TV ITA

Guriev, Sergei Professor of Economics, Sciences Po RUS

Gürkaynak, Gönenç Managing Partner, ELIG Law Firm TUR

Gusenbauer, Alfred Former Chancellor of the Republic of Austria AUT

Halberstadt, Victor Professor of Economics, Leiden University NLD

Hampel, Erich Chairman, UniCredit Bank Austria AG AUT

Hassabis, Demis Vice President of Engineering, Google DeepMind GBR

Hesoun, Wolfgang CEO, Siemens Austria AUT

Hildebrand, Philipp Vice Chairman, BlackRock Inc. CHE

Hoffman, Reid Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, LinkedIn USA

Ischinger, Wolfgang Chairman, Munich Security Conference INT

Jacobs, Kenneth M. Chairman and CEO, Lazard USA

Jäkel, Julia CEO, Gruner + Jahr DEU

Johnson, James A. Chairman, Johnson Capital Partners USA

Juppé, Alain Mayor of Bordeaux, Former Prime Minister FRA

Kaeser, Joe President and CEO, Siemens AG DEU

Karp, Alex CEO, Palantir Technologies USA

Kepel, Gilles University Professor, Sciences Po FRA

Kerr, John Deputy Chairman, Scottish Power GBR

Kesici, Ilhan MP, Turkish Parliament TUR

Kissinger, Henry A. Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc. USA

Kleinfeld, Klaus Chairman and CEO, Alcoa USA

Knot, Klaas H.W. President, De Nederlandsche Bank NLD

Koç, Mustafa V. Chairman, Koç Holding A.S. TUR

Kogler, Konrad Director General, Directorate General for Public Security AUT

Kravis, Henry R. Co-Chairman and Co-CEO, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. USA

Kravis, Marie-Josée Senior Fellow and Vice Chair, Hudson Institute USA

Kudelski, André Chairman and CEO, Kudelski Group CHE

Lauk, Kurt President, Globe Capital Partners DEU

Lemne, Carola CEO, The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise SWE

Levey, Stuart Chief Legal Officer, HSBC Holdings plc USA

Leyen, Ursula von der Minister of Defence DEU

Leysen, Thomas Chairman of the Board of Directors, KBC Group BEL

Maher, Shiraz Senior Research Fellow, ICSR, King’s College London GBR

Markus Lassen, Christina Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Security Policy and Stabilisation DNK

Mathews, Jessica T. Distinguished Fellow, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace USA

Mattis, James Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University USA

Maudet, Pierre Vice-President of the State Council, Department of Security, Police and the Economy of Geneva CHE

McKay, David I. President and CEO, Royal Bank of Canada CAN

Mert, Nuray Columnist, Professor of Political Science, Istanbul University TUR

Messina, Jim CEO, The Messina Group USA

Michel, Charles Prime Minister BEL

Micklethwait, John Editor-in-Chief, Bloomberg LP USA

Minton Beddoes, Zanny Editor-in-Chief, The Economist GBR

Monti, Mario Senator-for-life; President, Bocconi University ITA

Mörttinen, Leena Executive Director, The Finnish Family Firms Association FIN

Mundie, Craig J. Principal, Mundie & Associates USA

Munroe-Blum, Heather Chairperson, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board CAN

Netherlands, H.R.H. Princess Beatrix of the NLD

O’Leary, Michael CEO, Ryanair Plc IRL

Osborne, George First Secretary of State and Chancellor of the Exchequer GBR

Özel, Soli Columnist, Haberturk Newspaper; Senior Lecturer, Kadir Has University TUR

Papalexopoulos, Dimitri Group CEO, Titan Cement Co. GRC

Pégard, Catherine President, Public Establishment of the Palace, Museum and National Estate of Versailles FRA

Perle, Richard N. Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute USA

Petraeus, David H. Chairman, KKR Global Institute USA

Pikrammenos, Panagiotis Honorary President of The Hellenic Council of State GRC

Reisman, Heather M. Chair and CEO, Indigo Books & Music Inc. CAN

Rocca, Gianfelice Chairman, Techint Group ITA

Roiss, Gerhard CEO, OMV Austria AUT

Rubin, Robert E. Co Chair, Council on Foreign Relations; Former Secretary of the Treasury USA

Rutte, Mark Prime Minister NLD

Sadjadpour, Karim Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace USA

Sánchez Pérez-Castejón, Pedro Leader, Partido Socialista Obrero Español PSOE ESP

Sawers, John Chairman and Partner, Macro Advisory Partners GBR

Sayek Böke, Selin Vice President, Republican People’s Party TUR

Schmidt, Eric E. Executive Chairman, Google Inc. USA

Scholten, Rudolf CEO, Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG AUT

Senard, Jean-Dominique CEO, Michelin Group FRA

Sevelda, Karl CEO, Raiffeisen Bank International AG AUT

Stoltenberg, Jens Secretary General, NATO INT

Stubb, Alexander Prime Minister FIN

Suder, Katrin Deputy Minister of Defense DEU

Sutherland, Peter D. UN Special Representative; Chairman, Goldman Sachs International IRL

Svanberg, Carl-Henric Chairman, BP plc; Chairman, AB Volvo SWE

Svarva, Olaug CEO, The Government Pension Fund Norway NOR

Thiel, Peter A. President, Thiel Capital USA

Tsoukalis, Loukas President, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy GRC

Üzümcü, Ahmet Director-General, Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons INT

Vitorino, António M. Partner, Cuetrecasas, Concalves Pereira, RL PRT

Wallenberg, Jacob Chairman, Investor AB SWE

Weber, Vin Partner, Mercury LLC USA

Wolf, Martin H. Chief Economics Commentator, The Financial Times GBR

Wolfensohn, James D. Chairman and CEO, Wolfensohn and Company USA

Zoellick, Robert B. Chairman, Board of International Advisors, The Goldman Sachs Group USA

También de acuerdo con el sitio web Bilderbreg aquí es la agenda reclamado para la reunión en Austria:

- Inteligencia Artificial

- Seguridad Cibernética

- Armas Químicas Amenazas

- Problemas Económicos actuales

- Estrategia Europea

- Globalización

- Grecia

- Irán

- Medio Este


- Rusia

- Terrorismo

- Reino Unido

- EE.UU.

- Elecciones EE.UU. 

También se filtró por una fuente de noticias internacional la agenda incluirá: 

- Ucrania y Siria Situación

- Abolición de Efectivo

- Refugiados en Europa